Why I am a Compassion Advocate!

 God has called each of us to make a difference in the world that we live in. And He has put us here for “such a time as this” to take a stand for those things that are His heart issues.

Proverbs 31:8-9 gives me a clear and certain focus to “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

I have seen Compassion International making a difference in the lives of each of the children that I sponsor. These are children that would not be able to go to school because there isn’t enough income in the family to pay for a school uniform, books, shoes and even tuition. But today they are going to school.

These are children and families that live on less than $1.00 a day. Physical needs of food and shelter often are so minimal that children die from malnutrition. 30,000 children under the age of 5 years old die every day from preventable diseases. Every sponsored child receives vaccinations, food, medical and dental exams, access to clean water and medication for illnesses and parasites.

Each child attends a program in a Christian church where they hear the Word of God. They are encouraged to follow Christ and learn that they are valued by God. Often it is the children that go home and share the truths they learn with families and friends.

These children are given the opportunity to learn and interact with others in games, crafts, worship, music, vocational skills and so many other ways that they would not be able to participate in otherwise.

Compassion International is truly Christ Centered, Child Focused, Church Based and Committed to Integrity. I have seen Compassion first hand and know that the $32.00 I send each month to sponsor one child is making a difference in the life of that child.

Through letters I encourage my children to dream big dreams and to have hope. God has called me and chosen me for “such a time as this” and I thank God that He also has enabled me to follow through.

~ by calledandchosen on September 8, 2008.

6 Responses to “Why I am a Compassion Advocate!”

  1. Jane — This is great! I especially love the photo of the precious children on your blog! Thanks so much for speaking up for children who cannot speak up for themselves! You rock!

  2. Juli – This is really really cool! I can’t believe I’m actually enjoying my blog now! Thanks so much!

  3. Jane, What a well-written explanation for supporting Compassion International! As a sponsor myself, I have seen that our part is easy; the project churches are the ones who do the work, investing in the children’s lives so that they truly are released from poverty in Jesus’ name. Your verse from Esther is one of my favorites and causes me to ponder God’s will for each season of my life. No matter the season, Jesus is with us, sustaining us and leading us, blessing us and loving us in just such times as these!

  4. Looks good Jane! Woohoo!

  5. I can’t get over how sweet those kids look at the top of this page!

  6. Jane is this you?!?! I recognized your picture on Juli’s blog. Way to go with your blog. I will put a link from mine to yours. Miss you!

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